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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-144

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Aggregation Theorems for Allocation Problems

J. Aczél, C. T. Ng, and C. Wagner

pp. 1-8

On the Dimension of Bi-Infinite Systems

Harald K. Wimmer

pp. 9-10

Preemptive Scheduling, Linear Programming and Network Flows

D. de Werra

pp. 11-20

A New Formulation for the Travelling Salesman Problem

A. Claus

pp. 21-25

Characterization of Positive Definite and Semide Finite Matrices via Quadratic Programming Duality

S.-P. Han and O. L. Mangasarian

pp. 26-32

A Combined Direct-Iterative Method for Certain $M$-Matrix Linear Systems

R. E. Funderlic and R. J. Plemmons

pp. 33-42

A Hierarchical Representation of the Inverse for Sparse Matrices

Eugeniusz Toczylowski

pp. 43-56

Spectra of Some Graphs

Kai Wang

pp. 57-60

On the Size of Separating Systems and Families of Perfect Hash Functions

Michael L. Fredman and János Komlós

pp. 61-68

On the Most Probable Shape of a Search Tree Grown from a Random Permutation

Hosam Mahmoud and Boris Pittel

pp. 69-81

Entropy Versus Speed in Ergodic Markov Maps

Nathan Friedman and Abraham Boyarsky

pp. 82-93

On a Discrete Search Problem on Three Arcs

F. A. Bostock

pp. 94-100

Some Aspects of Clustering Functions

Gerhard Herden

pp. 101-116

A Note on Optimal and Suboptimal Digraph Realizations of Quasidistance Matrices

J. M. S. Simões-Pereira

pp. 117-132

Convergent Regular Splittings for Singular $M$-Matrices

Donald J. Rose

pp. 133-144